.Memberships & Memorials
- Memberships A Great Deal For Everyone!
Memberships are very important not only to us but to you.
With the economy the way it is can you really afford to pay out two or three hundred or more dollars than you have to.
Without a membership thats exactly what you might do. You may even be responsible for the entire bill which could be anywhere from $500.00 to $1000.00 dollars depending on your insurance coverage.
Their are also other good benifits that come with your membership so why not support and keep your local ambulance open and help yourself at the same time.
Individual Membership
Family Membership
Camp Membership
Business Membership
Need more information or want us to send you a membership just call (814)637-5725.
Or email - bennettsvalley@windstream.net
Memberships last for one year starting April 1st to March 31st.
Of course you can join anytime during the year.
Memberships are not real expensive but if you are having money problems we can let you make two or three payments for a two or three month period.
We try and work with our patrons as much as possible but if you do not have a membership chances are you will be paying out of pocket expences.
Get your membership as soon as possible and by helping us and the community you will also be helping yourself.
Memberships save you money and helps keep the Ambulance Station running!
A Memorial donation is a fitting tribute for a friend or loved one. These donations are utilized by Bennetts Valley Ambulance to help those in Emergencies or Non-emergencies and to purchase needed equipment and supplies. Its all for a great cause in our community.
Thank you so much for your Donations and Support.
You can find a listing of Memorials each month in the Courier Express.